Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Guilty Pleasure 2….80’s and 90’s Pop Music

Guilty pleasures...we all have at least one.  I admit I have a whole lot of them that I indulge...and then tell people about it afterwards. 

Today, I was doing a little spring cleaning and to get in the mood I pulled out some of my CDs and start getting funky with Pat Benetar and Britney Spears.  Yes, I said Britney Spears. “CRAZY!”  LOL.  I had to do it.   


In the middle of my cleaning today my cousin drops in and busts in the middle of the chorus of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believing.  It was quite amusing.  If you knew my family you would most certainly understand why.  In our family everyone is either gangsta' or very attached to Old School R&B, Jazz, and Hip Hop.  (I'm the odd woman out. ) 

FUFA:  Studies have shown that in hearing people and animals have an emotional connection to music.  So music can help shape a persons emotional state.

So with that said, I say a positive mood setter would be to throw on some throwback music and just chill.   Reminisce about the good old days and sing like nobody can hear you!   Ooh and why not indulge in a tasty treat while you’re at it.  I recommend some Tofutti, which is a prepacked pint of non dairy, frozen desserts. They have chocolate, vanilla almond bark, vanilla, vanilla fudge, better pecan, and chocolate cookie crunch.  YUM!  

 Enjoy your day today!

*키스, 키스*

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said ft. Skylar Grey [Music Video]


This song really spoke to me and I wanted to share it with others.   There are some true words behind the music and in the lyrics.  It's becoming more and more rare these days and I just wanted to spread the message.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Guilty Pleasure 1...Fan Fiction

I find that having a guilty pleasure can be fun… As long as nobody is getting hurt.  On days when I am bored, need some inspiration or just want to wear a smile indulge in one of many of my guilty pleasures.  

Today I share with you my love of reading fan fiction. Yes as much as I hate to admit it I am a grown a$$ woman who truly enjoys reading fan fiction.  Okay I admit I started reading fan fiction about a year ago. But the point is it was way cooler when I was a high school student. And I have found that it’s a great way to unwind and just have fun.

For those of you that aren’t sure what fan fiction is all about I’ll try to explain it to you and confuse you so I can feel less guilty about my rekindled passion. Fan fiction in my mind can be best explained as: Fictional tales written by fans using already pre-existing characters from books, movies, celebrity personas, TV shows, etc for no monetary gain to retell a story/plot in a different light. Simplistic terminology: fan fiction (fan fic, FF, fan fiction) is fans taking the opportunity to write stories and works of fiction based on their favorite celebrities and entertainment. Best of all it’s free!

I will now admit how my laziness and lack of taking responsibility plays a role in my new found pastime. Okay so it was July 5th, 2010 about 2:37am. The night was finally quieting down though I could still hear home bought fireworks going off in the distance. I was sitting on my futon (as a college student, it’s safe to say that we don’t really know what beds are outside of guardian/parent home) willing a book to magically float to me. After about 10 minutes I opened up the borrowed laptop that was luckily sitting next to me on the futon hand attempted to look for the book I was trying to make float online. Fiction….online…. And a thought occurred to me... “fan fiction…it’s so high school, you’re bored, it doesn’t have to be checked out or returned…it’s super free of charge and you can share your opinions and laugh at the frustrated comments leave in response… (Evil laughter happened about here and lightening flashed in the background of an imaginary castle). And so there we have it, my new start on fan fiction. Somehow I came across my current fix on Vampire Diaries. I have heard of the T.V. show, but I have never actually seen it. Apparently this was inspired by a book series that is pretty different from the show. I learned this as I was reading through some of the stories and names and characters were contradicting each other. *Fufa: That was a fun fact for you*. I am totally on this Damon and Bonnie plot. I mean, teenage black witch and 150-something caucasian vampire. It boggles the mind.

If you are interested in reading some yourself check out a couple of these sites:
I do pre-warn you these are stories written by nonprofessionals. What you get is what you get. When I do searches I tend to look for themes that are more adult themes. I am not always a fan of fluff. Fluff is usually go happy go lucky, super cheesy romance stories. (Beware it may happen when you least expect it).  I tend to read stories that I’m in the mood for reading.  I take my time and look at whether or not I’m going to read something fun and fluffy or dark and depressing.

Don't be bashful when it comes to letting the authors know what you think of their works. But also don't be too harsh. Some of the writers are in their pre-teens, we wouldn't want to scar anyone for life or murder a life long dream/hobby.
I must say I have read quite a bit, and I’ve been having a good time! That's all for now...

*키스, 키스*

Monday, May 2, 2011


Just finished  choreography  to this piece.  It's hot!  Just had to share that with ya'll!  I tend to shy away from this music because I'm more into NuSoul and R&B.  But I heard this beat and I saw the dance unfold in my mind.  Weird? I agree! Enjoy!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Saggin', Sagging, and ROFLMAO

Let's discuss this sagging pants thing. I just have to.

Photo  Courtesy of:

The other day was a nice day. I did some walking in the major metro areas as well as hitttin’ up a few malls. I wanted to slap some sense into those men and women with sagging pants. This time around I’m focusing on the baggy sagging pant trend.  Before the summer is out I will have another blurb out for you entitled “Crack Kills” (showing off your ass crack is not the thing to do). 

First off, you are reading this or you are showing this particular blurb to someone that needs the reality check, KUDOS! In case you haven't figured it out yet you no longer in prison so you need to wear a belt. If you can't afford a belt use some string, a cord, or some rope. They all work just fine.

If you are over the age of 14 you should have a grasp on how clothes should fit. If you are over the age of 14 you have no excuse. NONE!!  If you are a parent that allows their child to sag their pants…SLAP YOURSELF on my behalf. Had to get that of the way!

You should never wear sagging pants, but if you must be aware that there is a right time, a right place, and a correct way to do so.

Let's talk about the WRONG. ways:

Pull Ups-   You already know where I’m going with this.  If you have to keep pulling up you pants…that should tell you something like… I don’t know…, maybe your pants are too big and you need a belt?  I’m just saying…take a look in the mirror.

The Waddle- If you are waddling like a bird, obviously your pants are down too low...Or you are wearing skinny jeans. LOL. 

 Keep your Secrets Secret- This is the biggie...honestly no one wants to see your underwear.  It’s bad enough we have to see your ass hanging all out of your pants.  It is not cute. (NOTE:  If you are a single NFL Player or College Football Player I would personally rather just see you in your underwear….holla at ya girl!)

Room for Two- You should not wear be wearing pants that are so large that you can fit a second person in there with you.  That doesn't look good on anybody.

Skinny Jeans- There is no excuse for it. That doesn't even make sense. It's not a good look. Not matter what anyone tells you you cannot sag with skinny jeans on.  You can’t.  Don’t do it! You look funny as hell! (Yeah that’s me laughing out loud pointing it out to strangers.)

With Age Comes Wisdom...LOL- If you are in your 20's and you are still sagging your pants something is wrong with you.  You need to grow up.   I don't speak for all women and men that wouldn't jump into a relationship with one who embraces the sagging pants trend.  But my opinion is as such: If you can't wear clothes properly and carry yourself in an air of maturity then you aren't relationship material.  You still need to work on yourself before you jump in it with someone else.

At this point imagine you’re thinking I sound stuck up.  And I admit I might be.  But when I am looking at a potential partner, how you present yourself within the first 15 seconds let’s me know if I would ever consider having your child.

For those of you that are and you want to know the correct way to wear sagging pants, if you must, please let me know and I’ll post an article just for you.