Friday, October 28, 2011


Just because you don’t see me
Doesn’t mean I’m not there
Just because my words fall on deaf ears
Does not mean that they were not spoken

Long Time No See + Randoms

It's been a long finally get some random thoughts down and out to the world for a random person to see once again!   Thank you one of my random stalkers for informing me that it's been a while. (Love it! And I do have a poem to post.  In fact I have quite a few, but will post sparingly. Thanks for the kind words, Love.)

1.   My job isn't quite what I expected it to be.

2.  White socks with black pants and black flats are not a good look.

3. I'm too helpful sometimes....

4.  I really miss Mankato and all of my peeps!

5. When my roommates speak to me I see subtitles....

6. Is it safe for the whole house to rumble when a train goes by?

7.  Spiders are creepy!

8.  wow and whoa are two different words...know that!

9. I'm ignoring you for a reason